Saturday, July 16, 2011

Girl's Night Out-SNOWBIRD

Every 6 months or so, we plan a GNO sleepover with our friends. It seems to grow in number every time-how lucky for us to have such fun friends!!! This will be our second time going up to Snowbird. Whitney, Windy and I drove up early to get things set up. It was Ericka's bday and we wanted to decorate for her. The rest of the girls came later and we ordered Olive Garden and ate it in our room. There were 8 of us. It was SO much fun. There was a hot tub on the balcony (which we used while sipping our snow cones) and we stayed up talking, snacking and laughing. We do secret sister gifts for each other--which is my favorite part of the night. We buy a "favorite thing" to share with each girl then wrap it up and open with each other. Whit, Windy and I went in on something together and made everyone a friend book. It was a lot of work to put together (and just a little drama to go with it) but SO worth it. We made a page for each girl, then wrote what we loved about them in it. We stayed up 'til we couldn't stay up any more and then crashed. In the morning we headed for the pool and had a good laugh at the squirrels that nipped at our feet and the moose sighting. We headed home, but not before stopping at Five Guys and Nothing Bunt Cakes to fill our empty tummies. There is nothing like spending the weekend with a group of girls and pigging out! :)

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