Saturday, May 17, 2008

New Moon

I finally got my hands on the second book...New Moon. And as you may have guessed, I couldn't put it down. I read it in one day. I know, I know. I couldn't help myself. I tried putting it down, but then it was all I could think about. Even with going to the park or on a walk or sitting in the sand box with the kids, my eyes were glued! So while I was making dinner I was having inner turmoil about Bella and what she was going to do about Jacob and scared for her if Victoria found her. Pat worked late tonight and then his Jazz game was on, and the kids were happy playing outside or running amuck in the house, so I finished it!! I think I need a breather before I start number 3. I'm officailly in the fan club, though. I might have t-shirts made up. (P.S. Does anyone else think Bella should've made Edward work a little harder before she welcomed him back? I was so mad that he hurt her so badly and now poor Jacob...*sigh*).


emily said...

When I read those books, the kids could have run away or started a fire and I wouldn't have noticed. It's funny how it took over my life. I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Tyler and Julia said...

All I can say is, I was SO MAD when Edward left Bella and was completely absent for the majority of the book! He's my FAVORITE character, and I became a fan mostly because of him (sounds kind of silly, I know). What did you think about what happened to Jacob? Crazy, huh? I never would have guessed.

Jyl said...

I LOVE THE TWIGHTLIGHT SERIES!!! just had to say it!

Alison said...

LOL I haven't read these but you sure make them sound like they're worth it! Glad you had fun reading.