Thursday, May 29, 2008
Sewing Project
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2:48 PM
Project of the Week
So the project this week has been to get some fun things organized for Lukas. I always feel bad when I don't do more with him. I came up with a chart (I probably have a chart for everything, yet I'm always making a new one. ? Don't ask.) I'm a very visual person and I like to be able to see things. This is what I came up with. Actually, I'm kind of embarrassed to post it. I don't want people to think I'm this die-hard educator. I just want Lukas to have fun activities to do during the day besides watch NOGGIN (which is actually a cute's like preschool on TV.) And this way it makes it easy to choose an activity.
He gets a little pouch with each category and picks an activity from inside. Then when we've completed it, he can put the little velcro picture on his chart so we can see what he did that day. He also has three "passes" for milk (he could drink it all day, but I'm limiting it to 3) and he gets 3 passes for TV. We'll see how it works. It's actually going to be a lot of work for me, but I'm excited to play more with him.
What do you like to do with your kids for fun/learning? I've got to fill all of those pouches with ideas...YIKES!
Posted by
1:29 PM
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day
The boys and I visited the cemetary in Payson this weekend to pay tribute to my grandparents (on my mom's side) . Luckily, we went on Saturday when the skies were clear. The boys didn't have a clue what a cemetary was, but enjoyed playing and looking at the flowers. I have another set of Grandparents buried in Helper, Utah and Pat's grandparents are buried in Orem. We didn't get to visit them all this year, but we think of them constantly and miss their presense here. We know their legacy lives on through us and we hope to make them proud!
Posted by
11:00 PM
Baby Owen
Posted by
10:54 PM
Woodland Hills

Posted by
10:40 PM
Thursday, May 22, 2008
So it's done. I finished the third book. I must say I'm exhausted emotionally! I really got myself into it and...well I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't read it, so if you haven't read it, but want to...STOP READING! I'll just say I'm not sure I agree with Bella. Between a vampire and a werewolf, I think I would've chosen the werewolf. And I just don't understand this connection between Bella and Edward. It kind of makes me sick that Bella can't do ANYTHING w/out him. (Gag). Yes, he is beautiful and mystical and wonderful, but c'mon. I mean, really?? I was cheering for Jacob. I felt like my heart broke when she made her choice. I had a big throbbing sobbing headache when I read that last chapter and I knew all along she was in love with him. I will hang on to the glimmer of hope that may be out there for Jacob. Am I crazy? It seems like she could lead a more normal life and not have to say goodbye to anyone (except the Cullen's and Edward), but she could have a family and kids and *sigh* Jacob is warm-blooded. Does she honestly and really want to be immortal? And have to drink blood and have to live that life even if it is w/ Edward? Someone enlighten me. She is in love with both of them, but claims to love Edward more. Interesting. I just don't know... I do know that I need a breather. Whew!
Posted by
5:27 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Happier Days
Ok, sorry everyone. I'm such a complainer, but I gotta keep it real! Everyone has bad days. Thank you to all my kind friends for supporting me and loving me through my rough moments!!! It means a lot to know that I'm not alone. And the bad day has passed. So to make up for it, I'm going to list 10 things that make me happy today.
- Today, the rain makes me happy. It was getting too hot too fast. And the rain is good for the garden I planted. I'm still crossing my fingers that anything actually grows!
- Walmart Yes, it was the grand opening for the Walmart on Bangerter and 134th! Woooowee! I went with the boys and it wasn't as crowded as I thought. Everything is new and stocked. Awesome. And it's only 3 minutes from my house. Big smiles here.
- M & M's They are my favorite. My comfort treat. Just plain M&M's. I really loved the crispy ones, but haven't been able to find them since I was in college.
- Quiet time. Max is asleep, Lukas is playing quietly and I have a few quiet moments to do whatever I want. After this, I think I'll curl up on the couch with my M&M's and read more of "Eclipse".
- Clean Laundry. It usually takes me a couple of days, but the laundry is practically done and I have clean clothes again for the whole family! YAY! It's quite an accomplishment that we all have to do every week and today I'm happy it's done.
- Pizza We're having pizza for dinner b/c I don't have a lot of time tonight to make a big meal (I have a primary activity and Pat has an EQP meeting). I bought a yummy self-rising crust pizza. And caesar salad. Done lickety-split. No worrying about what to eat for dinner.
- DVR All the shows I miss during the day, I can easily watch at my convenience. Shows I never miss thanks to DVR...LOST, The Office, Ellen, Oprah, Hell's Kitchen (more for Pat, he loves to watch Gordon yell), Eli Stone, American Idol.
- Allergy Medicine Feeling good, no itchy eyes, sneezing or runny nose. Nice.
- Showers I actually got one today. Mmmm so clean.
- Blogging I love checking on you all. It's fun to hear about your lives and it helps me to be happy!

Posted by
2:42 PM
Posted by
2:22 PM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
My Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Posted by
10:04 PM
Monday, May 19, 2008
Best Buddies
Posted by
10:39 AM
Saturday, May 17, 2008
New Moon
Posted by
8:30 AM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
More Photos of Disneyland
Posted by
12:10 AM
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mother's Day
This is a special day for all moms everywhere. It makes me teary-eyed thinking of the two reasons that made me a mom. I know I fall short in so many areas of motherhood, but my two sweet boys seem to love me anyway. They don't care if I look frazzled and the house is in disarray or if I get impatient and upset. They quickly forget and show me such pure love. I melt when I see them playing together or when they say cute things to me like, "Hey mommy, I have a secret for you..." and then in a quiet whisper they say, "I love you!" There is nothing like today to think of all the reasons I love my role as mother...
- For sticky hands and faces that smudge fingerprints all over my counters, windows and coffee tables just after I cleaned them.
- For giggles and hugs at bedtime and watching them as they sleep, so sweet and innocent (quite the contrast from the day).
- For seeing my kids accomplish something that I never thought possible (peeing in the potty for one or sleeping through the night...)
- For the excitement in their eyes when I tell them the fun things we're going to do (like going to the playground or the zoo or DISNEYLAND).
- For the cuddles and squeezes when they need me the most (getting hurt or being scared or sick).
- For the constant "mommy, mommy" or "Hey mom, I'm thirsty." "Mommy can I have that?" "Mom, can you help me with this". They always seem to need me for something and it makes me feel important.
- For doing laundry and holding up the tiniest pair of jeans and thinking how cute it is when they are filled up with my little sweetie.
- For being able to watch as they grow and develop faster than I thought possible.
- For the times I get to sit and play with them, and do what they are doing.
- For the times when I watch them without them knowing and they are so sweet together and play so nicely.
- For bath time and nap time. Seeing Max's chubby little body and the stark contrast of Lukas' skinny little legs.
- For the love that comes from serving them and the unbreakable bond that we share.
- For their sweet faces and adorable personalities.
- For always having someone with me who loves me unconditionally.
- For the times that you realize how much influence you can have on them and how they repeat what you thought they didn't hear or understand.
- For that first smile or laugh and knowing that this tiny little person is yours to keep and take care of.
- For hearing a quiet house and realizing I prefer the noise of happy kids.
- For the moment I realized I'd rather be with my kids than get a babysitter, and when I do get a babysitter, just thinking about them the whole time I'm gone.
- For walking Lukas to preschool and realizing how independent he already has become and having such a bittersweet moment knowing it will be over too quickly and soon he'll be on a mission and going off to college or getting married. And he won't need me so much.
- For those special moments where time seems to stand still and my kids are happy and it makes me happy.
Posted by
8:17 AM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Posted by
12:30 PM
Desperate Housewives Swap

Posted by
12:26 PM
Friday, May 9, 2008
The Target Lady
I haven't watched SNL for years now, but one night Pat and I were up and we watched it. Most times it's inappropriate and we shut it off, but we discovered a skit with this girl named Penelope who made us laugh so hard. Then we were in Cali visiting some friends and they told us about the Target lady. It's the same actress and she is hilarious. I laugh every time!!! Check it out... (Technical difficulties adding the clip, but hang in's coming!) Ok, I can't get it to work, but if you google 'Targe Lady SNL' it will come up. H i l a r i o u s !
Posted by
9:11 PM
Monday, May 5, 2008
Our First Family Vacation
Posted by
4:19 PM
Saturday, May 3, 2008
BIG News!!
We have some wonderful news!! And we're so excited to share it with you!!!!!! Pat got a phone call the other day and has been accepted to the Nursing Program at the University of Utah. He will start May 12th and in 16 months, he'll have a second Bachelor's and be an R.N.! (He is in the accelerated program since he already has his Bachelor's). We are very excited, not for the going to school part, but for the opportunities ahead. So, wish Pat luck because he'll be taking hard classes and doing lots of clinicals. And wish me luck because we'll be eating our food storage for the next 16 months and I don't know how to cook with wheat!! haha Anyway, we're super excited for the direction this could take our lives. Pat wants to do travel nursing and eventually become a Nurse Anesthetist. Hoorah for Pat! Good job!
Posted by
7:00 PM