Monday, March 10, 2008

Lukas' Scripture

Lukas was asked to give the scripture in Primary for Sunday. We had been practicing all week and I was very skeptical. I really didn't think he'd do it and every time we practiced, he'd say it in his weird voice. He normally doesn't like to do things on command and especially in front of a crowd. So, Sunday comes around and Pat and I completely forget about daylight savings. So, yes, we were an hour late to church. Pat was on time, but missed his meeting and called me right after to say I was late. Well, we made it just in time for Sharing time in Primary. We recited the scripture all the way in the car and when we arrived, he went right up to the front to sit in the "scripture" chair until his turn. He sang the opening song, and even folded his arms during the prayer (amazing!!). Then it was his turn so I went up to the front with him. He spoke LOUD and clear and recited every word perfectly! I was crying! How embarrassing, but I was so touched! He did awesome! I'm so proud of him! I need to give him more credit! I think he liked it because he got to speak into the microphone! Good job Lukas!


Alison said...

That's so cool! Way to go Lukas! Had to laugh about the daylight savings mishap. It happens to the best of us. ;o)

Shay said...

What a proud moment. Oh, I love serving in the Primary because of sweet kids like Lukas that are such good kids and have sweet spirits. Hopefully you are recovering for the daylight saving change. Jeremy and I did that once when we were first married. I totally know how you felt!

Michelle said...

That is so sweet! They asked me if Rex could say the prayer on his very first day as a Sunbeam in Primary this year. I was also skeptical, but like you, Rex proved me wrong and spoke loud and clear! I really think the microphone helps!